About Me

Hey, Hi, Hello !

Hi! It’s me, Emily, aka Lemonly, aka Lemon, and I am so thrilled you’re here!

I’ve been running @bakingwithlemon on Instagram since 2019, and began my recipe blogging journey in the summer of 2020. I have adored baking since I was old enough to hold a whisk, and I love having a platform where I can share my passion with the world!

I want to provide quality recipes that I stand by, so that all you have to worry about is baking the dang thing! Basically, I’m here to give you the lemons, so that you can make some darn good lemonade.

I finished college a couple years back with a degree in Chemical Engineering, but my day job is in the tech marketing world. Because of my STEM background, I definitely like to dive into the more molecular/reaction based side of baking which you’ll occasionally see pop-up in recipe introductions. I hope you find all of it as cool as I do, and if you don’t, there’s always the “jump to recipe button” ☺

Always feel free to contact me, whether it’s through the comment section on here or an Instagram DM. I’d love to connect with you all, help you trouble-shoot recipes, see your creations, or hear your own recipe ideas!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope I’ll get to see you again soon!